Extremely simple and efficient. The topping dispenser is born to decorate the surface of any kind of large and small industrial pastry.
Originally designed for the topping of pizzas and similar products, this machine has then been adapted to decorate pastries with granulated products featuring good weight precision and uniform surface distribution.
The product can either be dispensed as a waterfall where the leftovers are retrieved through recovery belts or dispensed in target areas using funnels.
Manufactured dispensers products in a width from 400 up to 3.000 mm, the machine is developed to pour granules, pieces of sugar, dried or dehydrated fruit, seeds, shredded dry cheese, raisins, granulated cookies, etc.
Eurotecsa® es una marca registrada por Grupo Crest S.A.de C.V.
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2023 Todos los derechos Reservados Eurotecsa Grupo Crest | Soluciones Integrales de Alta Tecnología al Servicio de la Industria