Gravimetric Batch Blender, Designed to Blend Free Flowing Pellets in Processiles Which required Dosing Dosing and Repeatability with Efficient Mixing. One information by vibrations, grade adroit has been design to be easily mounted directly onto The This of the Processing Machine, to be installed eithher on a mezzanine, or on a vacuum take-off stand to feed one or more extrude.

  • Practical and Easy Access to All Parts For Maintenance or Quick and Accurate Cleaning
  • Drain Spout for Quick and Complete Ingredient Feed Hopper Emtying
  • Clean Out Dours for fast removal of dust or ingredient resumes and for visual inspection
  • round mixer can be completely empteed leaving no trace of reside material
  • easy to use, simply set the dosing percantage
  • Plc Based Control from Market Leader Producer ulul> Throughput Capacity Results Improved as Per Faster Weighing Cycle Time
  • Superior Blending Accuracy and Precision

    • Enhanced Control Dynamics and Weight Measurement Quality Improvs Process Capability

    Mixing Chamber Sizing Improvs Blending consistency

    • The 3 Batches MIXING CHAMBER CAPACITY ENSure The Right Mixing Time and Improvs Blending Consistency
    • As The Mixer Motor Has A Round Bottom, There Are No Stagnation Areas. The Mixing Paddle Moves The Entire Mass of Material Resulting in A Homogeneous Blend and Preventing the Formation of Preferential Flows That Would please the separation of the ingredients into finer, heavier or more flowing granule sizes. >